The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Peace Corps, Ethiopia (1968-70); Free-lance journalist, Addis Ababa, Cairo, London, 1970-75; Special reports editor, Middle East Economic Digest (MEED), London (1976-78); Editor, Jordan Times, English language daily, Amman, Jordan (1978-81); Washington editor, MEED (1981-84). Joined the United Nations in 1984 as a public information officer for the UN Relief and Works Agency, based in Vienna (1984; 1988-91), Jerusalem (1984-88), and as head of the New York office (1991-2001). Appointed director of UNRWA field office, Jordan (2001-2003) and coordinator of UNRWA Headquarters, Amman (2001-2006). Retired after 22 years of UN service in 2006 and now working as a free-lance information consultant, based in New York. Co-author of two books on the conflict in the Horn of Africa. Live in Brooklyn, NY.